The 70th anniversary of the National Day military parade held in Beijing on October 1 has attracted much attention. The colorful colors depicted by the Chinese military reflect the course of Chinas comprehensive promotion of the modernization of national defense and the military, as well as the impact of the punch industry on the weapons industry and its development status.
对国内外远近期市场需求,国内冲床工业实践现状,程度,问题,消费才能中止查询剖析整理,上下左右别离,拟定出我国冲床工业近远期展开政策,政策,方法,过程,措施,真实执行,定时查看,不时 改良进步,由低向高有序地向前推进. 对所需各行业,各专业,各类机床,配件产品的严重科研课题应分门别类,详尽列出,分清轻重缓急,逐个真实处理.认真吸取曩昔经历经验,在冲床工业展开的 战略战术上,必需完全改动,真实做好二点:
二是坚持在战略上藐视,在战术上重视的正确战略战术; "企研学"三别离,制作与用户相别离,冲床与电子部门相别离,脚踏实地,科学肉体,以真实进步消费率和劳作消费率为目的,切真实实处理 好用户,质量,信誉三大关键,在世界市场剧烈竞争中立于不败之地。